Local politics, shenanigans

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby kirby96 » July 18th, 2018, 6:36 pm

Look at this disgusting sexist pig that just actually wrote all those words defending the act of posting a naked picture of his ex wife with the explicit purpose of shaming and embarrassing her. Your attitude is remarkably sexist and abusive. It's 2018, have some basic human decency.

I never claimed it was ‘decent’ nor did I defend his actions. I claimed it is not a crime. To this point the Minnesota State Legislature and Ramsey County Attorney seem to agree with me.

Your sexist pig accusation is protesting too much. I must have struck a nerve. I would argue your attitude is the sexist one and contributes to our hyper sexualized view of women. Pictures of women’s less than perfectly toned legs or bellies can just as easily be used to shame, as can pictures of male breasts, plumbers crack, extra chins, obesity, cellulite, stretch marks, etc. ad nauseum. Are you really just saying pictures meant to shame should be illegal or do you have a hang up with female breasts?

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby cnelson » July 18th, 2018, 8:55 pm

Are you really just saying pictures meant to shame should be illegal or do you have a hang up with female breasts?
Here, let me google that for you - https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/617.261

Yes, "pictures meant to shame" is exactly the kind of thing envisioned by the revenge porn laws that have been passed in many states recently, including Minnesota.

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby cnelson » July 18th, 2018, 9:33 pm

Also, the Ramsey County attorney's office does not agree with your legal assessment. From the strib article -

“We are working with law enforcement on this case and have requested additional investigation to inform our charging decision,” said county attorney spokesman Dennis Gerhardstein."

Being released doesn't really tell you anything. After being arrested, he had to either be charged or released within 48 hours. They could still charge him tomorrow or a week or a month from now.

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby kirby96 » July 19th, 2018, 1:07 am

Are you really just saying pictures meant to shame should be illegal or do you have a hang up with female breasts?
Here, let me google that for you - https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/617.261

Yes, "pictures meant to shame" is exactly the kind of thing envisioned by the revenge porn laws that have been passed in many states recently, including Minnesota.
Nice googling, but you should have read the entire statute. To save you the trouble, I'll highlight the key elements:

"Subd. 5.Exemptions. Subdivision 1 does not apply when:
(1) the dissemination is made for the purpose of a criminal investigation or prosecution that is otherwise lawful;
(2) the dissemination is for the purpose of, or in connection with, the reporting of unlawful conduct;
(3) the dissemination is made in the course of seeking or receiving medical or mental health treatment and the image is protected from further dissemination;
(4) the image involves exposure in public or was obtained in a commercial setting for the purpose of the legal sale of goods or services, including the creation of artistic products for sale or display;
(5) the image relates to a matter of public interest and dissemination serves a lawful public purpose;
(6) the dissemination is for legitimate scientific research or educational purposes; or
(7) the dissemination is made for legal proceedings and is consistent with common practice in civil proceedings necessary for the proper functioning of the criminal justice system, or protected by court order which prohibits any further dissemination."

To date, Ramsey County has not made charges, so I'm not wrong at all. I think it is likely that Ramsey County has issued their non-commital statement because they realize they have a potential hot potato on their hands. My guess is they know that it is likely no law was broken, but on the off-chance this picture was taken in a private setting (it theoretically could have been taken on a private beach I suppose), they've asked the police to keep investigating. I predict this dies down and quietly no charges are filed. I could certainly be wrong, but I'd be willing to make a bet on that.

If it was taken in a public setting, and they charge, any 4th tier lawyer will win the case in a heartbeat, and rightly so by the very definition of the statute you think supports your case.

Claiming that posting a picture of a woman exposing secondary sex traits in a public venue is punishable revenge porn falsely presumes that a) it's 'porn', and b) that women lack the agency to make informed decisions about what public behavior actually constitutes (i.e. that view is sexist). To my original example, I don't want anyone posting pictures of my middle aged body, but if I go to the beach and expose it, that's the risk I take.

It's clear that the intent of Martinez' post was to shame his wife, but in a progressive world, we as a society simply shouldn't view that as criminal shaming any more than we should a picture of a woman publicly exposing her breast to feed her child. She simply did nothing wrong, and a picture of her doing nothing wrong should be met with a collective yawn. If some dude posted a public pic of a woman in a miniskirt and captioned it 'look at this trashy chick' I hope the response would be 'dress how you want and ignore that jerk!' not 'he posted a graphically inappropriate picture, lock him up!' If she had a fun carefree day at the beach, good for her! Move on.

The guy clearly had bad intentions and is likely suffering from mental illness, but he's not a criminal.

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby BikesOnFilm » July 19th, 2018, 8:02 am

This seems like a dumb hill to die on.

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » July 20th, 2018, 11:33 am

Victoria has rampant open meeting violations. But not bad enough folk should lose positions.

http://www.citypages.com/news/38-open-m ... /488655261

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » August 10th, 2018, 8:38 pm

So Carol Becker has been off to the shenanigans olympics.

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Re: Suburban City Councils, shenanigans

Postby Tiller » August 10th, 2018, 9:32 pm

If you haven't already, you can see the shenanigans going on via WedgeLive on Twitter:

Check out Wedge LIVE! (@WedgeLIVE): https://twitter.com/WedgeLIVE?s=09

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Multimodal » August 11th, 2018, 8:31 am

Desperate, desperate, she is really desperate.

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » August 11th, 2018, 1:01 pm

Did she receive any endorsements when she ran last? If so wonder what they will say.

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Silophant » August 11th, 2018, 4:55 pm

Tony Webster has an extensive writeup.
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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » August 21st, 2018, 6:00 pm

Hopkins bringing the political crazy.

http://www.startribune.com/former-hopki ... 491399251/

He’s a real basket of bad news.

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » September 15th, 2018, 4:13 pm

Bob Ivers is now a twice-convict to go with his twice-loser. Stalker, now threatening to kill federal judges. A “nice people”.

http://m.startribune.com/former-hopkins ... 493388281/

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » November 18th, 2018, 10:13 pm

Lake Elmo’s city council good behavior since 2016 is earning it a huge drop in its insurance deductible.

http://www.startribune.com/penalties-pl ... 500791812/

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby mplsjaromir » November 19th, 2018, 3:27 am

It’s good to the East Metro getting it together.

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Tiller » December 21st, 2018, 2:54 pm

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby Anondson » March 3rd, 2019, 8:35 am

The failed multiple-time mayoral candidate, Bob Ivers, for my town of Hopkins, who created controversy when at a forum he said light rail would bring riff raft and thugs to Hopkins, was sentenced to prison last week for 1.5 years plus 3 years supervised release for making threats to kill a judge and making the threat across state line.

http://www.startribune.com/former-hopki ... 506621842/

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby xandrex » March 7th, 2019, 11:19 am

St. Paul city council shenanigans: Quite a brouhaha on the FB page of someone challenging Council President Brendmoen - essentially encouraging non-DFLers to show up at the caucus to deny her the endorsement.

https://www.facebook.com/Jamie4ward5/po ... 9124482388

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby twincitizen » April 17th, 2019, 10:51 am

They must be drinking that Lake Elmo water in nearby Lakeland: 2 Lakeland City Council members skip meeting in protest over mayoral appointment

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Re: Local politics, shenanigans

Postby hiawather » June 20th, 2019, 2:07 pm

I've chosen to avoid participation a certain local forum that shall not be named due to the Huckabee-level reek of mendacity that reigns there, but it's almost as if this City Lab article was written specifically for them:

https://www.citylab.com/equity/2019/06/ ... 7nA0goNVv0

Do enjoy!

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