Star Tribune (& other local media)

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Re: Star Tribune (& other local media)

Postby tedlanda2571 » October 29th, 2020, 1:02 pm

It used to have a voice but now it reads more like someone's mean tweets. All of there articles now read as beyond condescending and bitter
I've definitely noticed that vibe too. Waaaaay too much mean-spirited and petty stuff. As you mention, it comes off as an attempt to be a pseudo-journalistic version of twitter zingers.

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Re: Star Tribune (& other local media)

Postby twincitizen » October 29th, 2020, 2:33 pm

Were the journalistic articles really the main point of City Pages anymore? I get that in the past, alt weeklies (and City Pages specifically) had a reputation for doing some good investigative journalism and/or stories that the mainstream print press ignored, but that really wasn't a big part of the draw of City Pages in the past decade+, especially after Strib acquired them. To me, the main point of grabbing a copy of City Pages was the listing of upcoming concerts/theater/arts events. I might read pieces about new local bands, new restaurant/retail openings and whatnot. I rarely read through an entire cover story, unless it specifically grabbed my attention. So to say, "meh, they went downhill recently anyways" kind of misses the point. While it was great that alt weeklies used to do some good journalism, that's not really as relevant in the past decade of declining ad revenues, staff cuts, etc.

With Citypages gone, where would one find anything close to their comprehensive listing of local concerts, arts, and other cultural events? If there isn't anyone doing that yet, I sense a major opening for a new locally-based website/app to replace that function. I know of sites like Songkick or Bands in Town to get notifications when bands you like are in town, but that doesn't really help for new bands you haven't heard of yet. Without a replacement for CityPages, I worry that our local music scene will suffer greatly...I'm not sure how else I'd hear about stuff

(guilty confession: I don't go to nearly as many shows as I used to, or even read CityPages much since moving away from Uptown/Whittier, but it was such a huge resource in my 20s & earlier 30s)

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