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Paint the Pavement

Posted: February 23rd, 2016, 9:57 am
by Coach Rob
I'm not sure if Paint the Pavement still is doing projects. It seems that the internet domain name for it is currently for sale.

Anyways, I work at Saint Paul City School, located at 260 Edmund Ave in St Paul. There are a few intersections in our neighborhood that badly need crosswalks in my opinion. If at all possible, I would hope for decorative ones to brighten up the community a bit in the process. Organizing something like this is normally in my realm, so I'm hoping for all the help that I can get.

I would need to get the permit to paint on the concrete. I would also need to get volunteers and the supplies donated. Could anybody more knowledgeable than me in this area be able to assist by pointing me in the right direction for this project? Thanks!