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Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: November 8th, 2022, 11:15 pm
by Silophant
I'm willing to cut this one a little slack, since a decent chunk of the lot is transmission line right of way and cannot have an actual structure built on it. Would have been been better to make it restored prairie or something, but you can't win them all.

Fantastic to see that it's getting started, looking forward to excitedly bringing it up at a BNA meeting.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: November 9th, 2022, 9:16 am
by grant1simons2
The prairie is already in really great shape. Pretty bummed about this one.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: November 9th, 2022, 7:51 pm
by Silophant
Well, it was. The lot was used as a staging area for the gas main work that Centerpoint was doing all summer and now it's all bare dirt.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: November 14th, 2022, 1:03 pm
by seanrichardryan
'Prairie' is a loose term, It's a polluted vacant lot with tall grass & invasive weeds.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: November 14th, 2022, 2:12 pm
by grant1simons2
No it wasn't? Golden rods, docks, switchgrass, etc were all living on that lot. I'm pretty sure someone may have thrown some seeds down on the site with the rate at which it grew.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 3:01 pm
by alexschief
This project has started construction. I noticed some remarks from Councilmember Rainville celebrating this milestone in his newsletter and in the Strib. I was gratified to see his comments, considering that just two years ago he opposed the project in testimony before the BHIZ committee while a private citizen.

I think this goes to show that the benefits of more housing and more affordable housing become obvious once we get shovels in the ground and that opponents can become proponents as long as they aren't allowed to block new housing indefinitely.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 4:21 pm
by Bakken2016
This project has started construction. I noticed some remarks from Councilmember Rainville celebrating this milestone in his newsletter and in the Strib. I was gratified to see his comments, considering that just two years ago he opposed the project in testimony before the BHIZ committee while a private citizen.

I think this goes to show that the benefits of more housing and more affordable housing become obvious once we get shovels in the ground and that opponents can become proponents as long as they aren't allowed to block new housing indefinitely.
Everything Rainville does makes me give massive side eye, I'm hoping Conrad Zbikowski can defeat him next year.

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 4:59 pm
by Trademark
This project has started construction. I noticed some remarks from Councilmember Rainville celebrating this milestone in his newsletter and in the Strib. I was gratified to see his comments, considering that just two years ago he opposed the project in testimony before the BHIZ committee while a private citizen.

I think this goes to show that the benefits of more housing and more affordable housing become obvious once we get shovels in the ground and that opponents can become proponents as long as they aren't allowed to block new housing indefinitely.
Everything Rainville does makes me give massive side eye, I'm hoping Conrad Zbikowski can defeat him next year.
Just sent an email to him to help out in his campaign! Anything possible to make sure Rainville doesn't win again!

Re: Canvas Apts - 2301 California St NE

Posted: December 13th, 2022, 12:02 pm
by Bakken2016
This project has started construction. I noticed some remarks from Councilmember Rainville celebrating this milestone in his newsletter and in the Strib. I was gratified to see his comments, considering that just two years ago he opposed the project in testimony before the BHIZ committee while a private citizen.

I think this goes to show that the benefits of more housing and more affordable housing become obvious once we get shovels in the ground and that opponents can become proponents as long as they aren't allowed to block new housing indefinitely.
Everything Rainville does makes me give massive side eye, I'm hoping Conrad Zbikowski can defeat him next year.
Just sent an email to him to help out in his campaign! Anything possible to make sure Rainville doesn't win again!
Yeah, I donated the max I could this year to his campaign. And plan to do that again in 2023!