
Introductions - Urban Issues - Miscellaneous News, Topics, Interests
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Re: Introductions

Postby Silophant » July 10th, 2014, 11:44 am

Keep in mind that Minneapolis city proper is fairly small area wise compared to most cities. Take San Diego for example, it is 372 sq/miles with a city population of 1.34 million (3.2 million metro). Whereas Minneapolis is 58 sq/miles and a city population of 392,000 (3.4 million metro). Even Chicago is 234 sq/miles.
I sometimes wonder how things would be different from a regional/national image perspective if Minneapolis had annexed some or all of the first-ring suburbs, like Richfield, Robbinsdale, SLP, etc.
Joey Senkyr
[email protected]

Elliot Altbaum
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Re: Introductions

Postby Elliot Altbaum » July 10th, 2014, 3:36 pm

I have been lurking here for a while and thought I would finally introduce myself.
My name is Elliot Altbaum and I just graduated with a degree in Geography from Clark University in Worcester, MA. Originally from here, I read urbanMSP and to be reminded about how Minneapolis and the whole region is great and watch the changes from afar.


Re: Introductions

Postby web » October 4th, 2014, 11:20 pm

Whatever happened to Mr Columbus Ohio. "Minneapolisite"

Did he go back to ohio? or was he booted off the site?

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Re: Introductions

Postby Silophant » October 5th, 2014, 7:10 am

"Moved to Portland" I believe.
Joey Senkyr
[email protected]


Re: Introductions

Postby web » October 5th, 2014, 8:02 pm

ha.....fits a scenario on the tv show!

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Re: Introductions

Postby IllogicalJake » October 14th, 2014, 3:09 pm

Whatever happened to Mr Columbus Ohio. "Minneapolisite"

Did he go back to ohio? or was he booted off the site?
I once had an argument with the guy in a thread. I apologized to him later via PM and invited him to chat about common interests that we had. He said the apology is useless and that he prefers not to associate with gays.

Hey, good riddance to him. I hope Pridefest is right next door to him in Portland. :)
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Re: Introductions

Postby twincitizen » October 14th, 2014, 3:27 pm

Wait, everybody knows minneapolisite was/is gay, right? That's what was so amusing/confusing about everyone's reactions to his whole "Must Escape from Loring Park during Pride" topic that blew way out of proportion (and was later deleted).

FYI: I'm going to delete these last 4 posts from this thread in a bit, I just wanted to offer closure on that whole thing.

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Re: Introductions

Postby IllogicalJake » October 14th, 2014, 3:32 pm

Wait, everybody knows minneapolisite was/is gay, right? That's what was so amusing/confusing about everyone's reactions to his whole "Must Escape from Loring Park during Pride" topic that blew way out of proportion (and was later deleted).

FYI: I'm going to delete these last 4 posts from this thread in a bit, I just wanted to offer closure on that whole thing.
Of course I know, I'm pretty sure everyone knew. That's one of the things I have in common with him. Doesn't mean he's free to generalize anyone else who's gay as being a typical fag, especially people on a forum he's never met, (or based on an event they attended, such as pride.) There's no free pass for backward-ass thinking.

But, yes, I did try to apologize to him for that thread multiple times. He wanted me to make a new thread apologizing, since the previous was deleted. Heh.
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Re: Introductions

Postby MNdible » November 27th, 2014, 12:07 pm

I'm thankful for all of you who give a damn and fight for what you're passionate about, even if I often don't completely agree with you and some of you sometimes make my blood boil. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Re: Introductions

Postby David Greene » November 27th, 2014, 12:11 pm

Amen to that!

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Re: Introductions

Postby cooperrez » February 12th, 2015, 3:37 pm

Hello, Ben here. I stumbled across this site when I was trying to get some info on the Longfellow Market during its planning stages. I have really enjoyed reading about the projects taking place around town and like to pop over here whenever I see development news happening to get everyone's take on it. I have a degree in Geography/Urban Planning emphasis, but I have never worked in the field. I have what a former classmate described as a map fetish, which he thought most geography majors have.


Re: Introductions

Postby trigonalmayhem » February 23rd, 2015, 10:45 am

Hi, I'm Wayne. I grew up in California, schooled in Massachusetts, and now have been here in Minnesota for the last ten years. I got accepted to the urban planning grad program at the U a few years ago but couldn't attend because of financial issues. That said, I've done plenty of self education and have the equivalent of a minor in urban planning from my undergrad (except my engineering school didn't formally have a program so ... whatever). It's a passion of mine and I'm still hoping to get back eventually, but in the mean time I annoy people with my comments all over the internet. I've been lurking the various Minneapolis architecture/development/planning internet sites for years (since minnescraper, I guess?) and only recently started commenting on articles and I guess now here. So, I'm sorry ahead of time for probably having unpopular opinions and a sometimes abrasive style.

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Re: Introductions

Postby Silophant » February 23rd, 2015, 1:44 pm

a sometimes abrasive style.
You're gonna fit right in.

Joey Senkyr
[email protected]

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Re: Introductions

Postby Tiller » March 20th, 2015, 10:44 pm

Looking forward to contributing now that my urge to post has overcome my laziness :D

I ran across this forum last fall, and I sporadically visited until I attended a rush-line open house (that i found out about on here) on January 15th. I made an account a couple days afterwards, then did some heavy-duty lurking until now.

'Short' Introduction:
>born in Duluth, but my parents and I moved down here (to the cities) when i was 6 months old
>I grew up here (mostly NE Metro area), but have also spent a lot of time in Duluth b/c of familial connections
>I've had a fetish for maps and history since elementary school, which has only grown since
>urbanism has joined my aforementioned fetishes (as well as some others) thanks to this forum
>I've helped my disabled grandmother (she had a cerebral hemmorhage in her early 20's, lost control of her right arm/leg, and has a speech impediment; she's been politically active & mentally sharp despite this) to a gradually increasing extent since the age of 4, and thus one of my areas of interest is disability advocacy
>currently a HS senior, going to study German (and Swedish), higher mathematics, and software engineering at the U of M (Twin Cities)
>my passion is prolly shaped to some extent by being from a working-class suburban family that almost lost our house during the recession, as well as years of arguing and shitposting online.

Time to get to it!

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Re: Introductions

Postby seamonster » May 26th, 2015, 10:45 am

Hello! I'm a long time lurker who finally registered when I was able to find an avatar photo of me wearing sunglasses. I'll update it when I have one of me wearing sunglasses while talking on a cell phone, as is the fashion for this site. (No snark, I like the look.)

Let's see...I loved maps when I was a kid (still do) and I fantasized about being an architect when I grew up. That didn't happen and I have no formal training or experience in urban planning or anything remotely related, but I still love this site.

I've worked in downtown Minneapolis for the past 18 years and I've lived in NE Minneapolis for the past 15 years. I went to school in Washington DC for four years, but otherwise, I've lived in Minnesota my whole life.

Anyways, I really love this forum - kudos to the site admins, moderators, and all the frequent posters who keep me in the loop!

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Re: Introductions

Postby MNdible » May 26th, 2015, 12:24 pm

Ahoy, matey.

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Re: Introductions

Postby Nathan » June 3rd, 2015, 6:26 am

Re-introduction. I'm Nathan, my instagram handle is fotoapparatic. I'm in Europe(!), going insane over their infrastructure. Duh. If you are interested in seeing some pretty pictures of where I've been, infrastructure included, check it out!

A shot of Rotterdam central.

I forgot my camera camera, it's being sent to me, so for now just cell pics.


Re: Introductions

Postby PigsEye » June 9th, 2015, 1:02 am


I currently reside in the great city of St. Paul Minnesota. A few of my friends suggested I check out this website and learn about all the new things happening around town. I have been watching for some time now, and thought I'd finally make an account to partake in the conversation for myself.

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Re: Introductions

Postby Wedgeguy » June 9th, 2015, 9:05 am

Welcome, I'm sure you will enjoy living on the better side of the river. St. Paul is a great city. Lived there many years ago and still have a fond place in my heart for St. Paul. If you need to get out and see something different you can always take the green line to St. Paul's suburb called MPLS!


Re: Introductions

Postby PigsEye » June 10th, 2015, 1:43 am

Welcome, I'm sure you will enjoy living on the better side of the river. St. Paul is a great city. Lived there many years ago and still have a fond place in my heart for St. Paul. If you need to get out and see something different you can always take the green line to St. Paul's suburb called MPLS!

Yea, the suburbs are a little too small for my tastes! There is no place like St. Paul.

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