Presidential Election 2016

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David Greene
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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby David Greene » February 2nd, 2017, 12:18 pm

As to the election, let's not discount the role of Russia and the FBI. It's now abundantly clear that Russia influenced the election and that there are factions inside the FBI that are politicized and sympathetic to American Nazis. Those forces may very well have caused Comey to do what he did. The media was also complicit, blowing up the e-mails and Comey thing much more than was warranted by the facts.

So the election was influenced by a foreign power with help from domestic powers.

Blaming Clinton while not equally accounting for foreign influence is wrong. We must face what happened. This is much bigger than Clinton being a bad candidate.

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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby Tiller » February 2nd, 2017, 12:55 pm


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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby mplsjaromir » February 2nd, 2017, 3:44 pm

Was Comey and Russian interference why millions of people stayed home or chose not to vote on election day? I doubt it. It certainly was not why Democrats have lost over 900 legislative seats across the country over the last 8 years and hold a near record low number of governorships. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but white supremacists have infiltrated and maintained leadership positions within American law enforcement agencies sine 7/4/1776.

The Democrats need to come up with a economic policy better than what they have. There is a reason why you are hard pressed to find Democrats in power further than 30 miles outside a cosmopolitanish metro area. It may be comforting to blame the loss on outside agents, but the reality is that Republicans are always gonna turn out. The Democrats have to motivate their base.

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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby mattaudio » February 2nd, 2017, 3:46 pm

But Bernie

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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby FISHMANPET » February 2nd, 2017, 4:19 pm

We can say if this was different or that was different but at the end of the day, there is very strong empirical evidence that Hillary was not the correct candidate for our current environment, and that is the fact that she lost to Trump.

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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby VAStationDude » February 2nd, 2017, 4:31 pm

Two big reasons democrats have done poorly:

1. Apathy after the Obama triumph. Trumps gross incompetence and disgusting fascism has taken care of this problem for now. Carrying the momentum is crucial in the years going forward. A 50 state solution with good candidates in every race is crucial.

2. Healthcare is a mess in this country and though aca made it better all problems with the system are pegged on the last people who changed it. There is one sure way consumer healthcare costs can come down with affecting access which is throwing money at it. The aca did this but missed the mark on who would comprise the individual market pool. The result was high costs for upper middle class and wealthier individuals under 65 without employer policies. We know Republicans spend to increase access. Trump has promised greater coverage at lower costs so when this doesn't happen the gop will own healthcare.

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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby Tiller » February 24th, 2017, 1:26 pm

2020 race lures sprawling Democratic field ... eld-235335

I don't know how I feel about this.
An extraordinary alignment of ambition, opportunity and timing is raising the prospect that the Democratic Party in 2020 could have its biggest presidential field in a generation.

A sprawling roster of potential primary candidates is already surveying the political climate and reaching out to campaign consultants in stealthy meetings and calls, according to roughly a half-dozen party operatives familiar with the initial conversations.

At least a dozen senators are widely thought to be in the mix — including Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren, New Jersey’s Cory Booker, California’s Kamala Harris, Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, Oregon’s Jeff Merkley, New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand, Connecticut’s Chris Murphy, and both Minnesotans, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken. But the depleted bench of Democratic governors is also stocked with possible White House hopefuls, expanding the list of credible presidential prospects to as many as two dozen.

David Greene
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Re: Presidential Election 2016

Postby David Greene » February 24th, 2017, 4:34 pm

Let's focus on 2018 first. We *have to* win the Governor's race in Minnesota to avoid gerrymandering. The MN Senate is probably flippable but the MN House is not.

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